Prof. DR. Tushar Kanti Haldar
- Tapos Mandol semester 4 Topic বাংলার লোক ঐতিহ্য ও লোক সংস্কৃতি (AHBNG-104C-8)
- 6th semester Module 1 Topic- Subodh Ghosh Golpo o Mdhyabritya Shreni(Course code- AHBNG-604-DSE-4)-By Dr. Tushar kanti Halder
- Semester : 2nd , Topic : ভূতুড়ে ঘড়ি(AHBNG-202C-4) -by Dr. Tushar kanti Halder
- Semester -4 বাংলা লোকএতিহ্য ও লোকসংস্কৃতি
- Semester : 2nd , Topic : ভূতুড়ে ঘড়ি(AHBNG-202C-4)-Question
- Semester-2 Topic-নাট্যসাহিত্যের ইতিহাস
- Semester- Topic- নাট্যসাহিত্যের ইতিহাস
- semester-2 গল্প সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস
- semester-4 সধবার একাদশী
- Module no : 1, Semester: 4th, Topic : (উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক)অবনী বাড়ি আছো: শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায় (AHBNG-402C-9)
- Module 2 Semester 4 Topic:(উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক)বাবরের প্রার্থনা : শঙ্খ ঘোষ (AHBNG-402C-9)
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- Semester-6 Bengali (602C) Topic নীল ময়ূরের যৌবন
Semester 6 Topic নীল ময়ূরের যৌবন’ উপন্যাস অবলম্বনে সমাজচিত্রের পরিচয় দাও
- Bengali(AHBNG-401C-8)Semester – 4 Topic পটশিল্প
- Bengali( AHBNG -604-DSE -4)Semester – 4 Topic কথাসাহিত্য- মালঞ্চ
- Bengali(ACSHP-204A-ECC-2-MIL)Semester-2 Topic বাংলা ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব- ব্যঞ্জনধ্বনির বর্গীকরন
- Bengali(ACSHP- 204A- ECC- 2- MIL) Topic বাংলা রূপতত্ত্ব- পদ-প্রকরন
- Bengali(AHBNG- 203 -GE- 2)Semester- 2 Topic বিভূূূতিভূূূষনের ছোটোগল্প
- Semester 2 Topic মানিক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের ছোটোগল্প
- Semester- 2 Topic দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল রায়ের নাটক
- Semester 2 Topic গিরিশচন্দ্রের নাটক
- Semester 6 Topic প্রান্তিক
- Bengali(APBNG- 603 -DSE- 3)Semester -6 Topic ডাকঘর নাটক
Bengali(APBNG – 603 -DSE- 3)Semester -6 Topic ডাকঘর নাটকে অমল চরিত্র - Bengali(ACSHP-204A-ECC-2- MIL)Semester -2 Topic স্বরধ্বনির বর্গীকরন
- Bengali (AHBNG- 405- SEC- 2)Semester – 4 Topic কাল্পনিক সাক্ষাৎকার রচনা
- Semester 4 Paper -Hons Topic সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্তের চম্পা – বিকাশের অঙ্গীকারে
- )Module no – 2 ,Semester -6 Topic মালঞ্চের প্রশ্ন উত্তর
- Module- 2, Semester- 6 Topic কালান্তর প্রবন্ধের – সভ্যতার সংকট: রাজনীতিক পটভূমি
- Module -2, Semester – 6 Topic কালান্তর – কালান্তর রাজনীতিক পটভূমি
- Module no – 4, Semester – 4 Paper (AHBNG-404-GE-4) Topic কালের যাত্রা
- Module No 2 Semester 6 Paper AHBNG – 601C – 14 Topic নীল ময়ূূূরের যৌবন : দেবল ভদ্র চরিত্র
- Semester – 4 Module No – 4 Paper AHBNG -402C -9 Topic বিভাব – প্রশ্ন উত্তর
- Module no – 10, SEMESTER – 6 Course code – APSNS 604SEC-4 Topic Spoken sanskrit grammer (कारक)
- Module no 11 Semester 4 Course Code – APSNS 401C -1D TOPIC – MANUSAMHITA व्याख्या ।श्लोक 17
- Semester – 6 Module No – 4 Topic য়ুরোপ প্রবাসীর পত্র” – কবির মনোভাব এবং পথযাত্রার সঙ্গে জীবনঅভিঞ্জতার কথা আলোচনা করো
- Semester 4 Module 2 Paper AHBNG – 401C – 8 Topic যামিনী রায় : জীবন ও শিল্প
- (AHBNG – 602C – 14) Module No – 2 , semester – 6 Topic নীল ময়ূরের যৌবন ও ভাষা আন্দোলন
- Module no – 4 , Semester – 6 Topic নাথবতী অনাথবৎ নাটকের প্রশ্ন উত্তর
- Semester 2 Module 4 Topic নাট্যসাহিত্যের ইতিহাস – বিজন ভট্রাচার্যের অবদান
- Semester 6 Module 1 Topic নাট্যসাহিত্য – ষড়ঙ্গ ট্র্যাজেডির উপাদান
- Semester 6 Module 1 Topic রস ও কাব্যের জগৎ অলৌকিক মায়ার জগৎ
- Semester 4 Module 3 Topic আপনকথা – জীবনী সাহিত্য না স্মৃতিকথা
- Bengali (AHBNG – 602C – 14) Module No – 4 , Semester – 6 নাথবতী অনাথবৎ – কথকের ভূমিকা
- Bengali (AHBNG – 604 – DSE – 4) Module no – 4 , Semester – 6 শেষপ্রশ্ন – মমতা ও চিরায়ত নারী চরিত্র কমল
Prof. Debanjana Karmakar
- Module no : 1 Semester: 2nd , Topic : বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস(আধুনিক যুগ)/ কাব্য সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস (AHBNG-203-GE-2)
- Module no : 2,Semester : 4th , Topic : (উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক)মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য (AHBNG-402C-9)
- Module no : 2 Semester : 4th , Topic :(উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক)মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য (AHBNG-402C-9)
- Module no : 1 Semester: 4th, Topic : (রবীন্দ্র সাহিত্য) স্ত্রীর পত্র (APBNG-104C-1D)
- Module no: 2 Semester 2 Topic-রবীন্দ্র সাহিত্য)যোগাযোগ উপন্যাস(APBNG-401C-1D)
- Module no:2 Semester:2nd, Topic:(বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস: আধুনিক যুগ)কাব্য সাহিত্যে মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত(APBNG-201C-1B/AHBNG-203-GE-2)
- Module no:1, Semester 2 Topic (বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস:প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগ)চণ্ডীমঙ্গল- মুকুন্দ চক্রবর্তী(AHBNG-201C-3)
- Module no:2 Semester 2 Topic:(বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস: প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগ)তুর্কি আক্রমণ(AHBNG-201C-3)
- Semester: 4 Topic (উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক) মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য: মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত(AHBNG-402C-9)
- Semester 4 Topic (উনিশ ও বিশ শতকের কাব্য ও নাটক) মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য: মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত(AHBNG-402C-9) – চতুর্থ সর্গের প্রয়োজনীয়তা
- Module no:1 Semester: 6 Topic (সাম্প্রতিক বাংলা সাহিত্যে)সমরেশ বসু: আদাব(AHBNG-602C-14)
- Semester 2 Module no:3Topic বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস(প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগ)(AHBNG-201C-3)Module 4 Semster 2 Topic বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস(প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগ)(AHBNG-201C-3
- Module 3 Semester 2 Topic বাংলা সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস(আধুনিক যুগ)(APBNG-201C-1B)
- Module 3 Semester 4 Topic রবীন্দ্র সাহিত্য(APBNG -401C-1D):পোস্টমাস্টার
- Module 4 Semester 4 Topic রবীন্দ্র সাহিত্য(APBNG -401C-1D):যোগাযোগ
- Module 2 Semester 6 Topic সাম্প্রতিক বাংলা সাহিত্য(AHBNG-602C-14),আদাব: সমরেশ বসু
Prof. Tapas Mondal
- Bengali(201C)semester-2 মনসামঙ্গলকাব্য( বিজয় গুপ্ত ও নারায়নদেব)
- Bengali(202C)semester-2 বাংলা প্রবন্ধ: বন্কিমচন্দ্র
- Bengali(201C)semester-2 চন্ডীমঙ্গল- মুকুন্দ চক্রবর্তী
social group (dept. of Education)
socialization( dept. of Education)
Prof. Brishti Mondal Study meterial
- Module no:1,Semester :2nd, Topic : cultural lag
- Semester 2 Topic-Education for socially and economically backward classes (st,so,obc,women)
- Semester 2 Topic Social change: definition,characteristics, factors, constraints and education as an instrument of social change.
- Semester 2 Topic – Social change: definition,characteristics, factors, constraints and education as an instrument of social change.
- Module 4 Semester 2 Topic Education and Social Mobility
- Module 4 Semester 2(Generic) Topic Education for social equity and equality of education opportunity
- Module 6 Semester 2 Education for socially and economically backward classes (st,so,obc,women)
Prof. Sanatan Sahoo study meterial
[/tab] [tab]English
Prof. Parimal Saren Study Meterial
- Course Code: UG-ENG-202/C-4 Semester 2 Topic Dushyanta
- Course Code: UG-ENG-202/C-4 Semester 2 Topic Shakuntala
- Study Material For Sem II
- Study Material For Sem IV
- Module 9 Course Code- UG-ENG-403/C-10 Semester 4 Topic The Good Woman of Setzuan as a Epic Theatre
- Module 8 Course Code- UG-ENG-602/C-14 Semester 6 Topic POST-COLONIALISM/POSTCOLONIALISM
- Module 7 Course Code- UG-ENG-602/C-14 Semester 6 Topic GLOBALIZATION
- Semester 6 Module 6, Course Code UG-ENG-602/C-14 Topic RACE
- Course Code: UG-ENG-403/C-10 Topic The Characters in The Good Woman of Szechuan
Prof. Biswajit Mallik Study Meterial
- Module No: 1 -Semester: II Topic: “Rasa” (202/C-4, Unit-iii)
- Module 2 Semester 2 Topic “Rasa” (202/C-4, Unit-iii)
- Semester 6 Topic Use of GOND Art In Bhimayana
- Module-2 Semester 6 Topic TR_OppositeLand
- Module-1 Semester 2 Topic Batter My Heart – British Poetry
- Semester 4 Section 2 Module 1 Topic Emotional Intelligence
- Module 1 Semester 4 Topic Beloved
- Module:1 Section2 Semester 4 Paper Hons Topic BUSINESS COMMUNICATION
- Semester 4 Paper Hons Module 2 Topic Toni Morrison’s Beloved
- Module 1 Semester 6 Topic Bhimayana
- Module 2 Semester 6 Bhimayana 2
- Module 3 Semester 6 Topic Bhimayana
- Module 3 Semester 6 Topic BHIMAYANA
- Semester 6 Paper -Honours Module 2 Topic Graphic Model
Semester 6 Paper -Honours Module 3 Topic Graphic Novel - Semester 4 Paper Programee Section 2 Topic Understanding_and_Developing_Emotional_Intelligenc
- Semester 6 Paper Honours Module 1 Topic The_Little_Prince
- Semester 6 Paper Honours Topic O Captain! My Captain
- Semester 2 Paper Programme Module 1 Chapter BRITISH POETRY-1 Topic To a Skylark
Semester 2 Paper Programme Module 2
Chapter BRITISH POETRY-1 Topic To a Skylark - Semester 4 Paper hons Module-2 Topic Business communication
- Semester 2 Paper Programme Topic Ode to Autumn
- Module 3 Semester 2 Topic To Autumn LitCharts
- Semester 2 Topic Ode to Autumn
- SEM-4(PROG) Phonetics
- Semester 6 Paper Honours Topic Voices of the Margin
- Semester 6 Ppaper Honours Topic Bhimayana
- Semester 4 Paper Honours Topic Passage to India
- Semester 4 Paper Honours Topic Passage to India by Walt Whitman
- Semester 4 Paper Honours Topic Passage to India (1-68)
- Semester 5 Topic Bhimayana_ Experiences of Untouchability _ _ Page 2
Prof. Medha Misra Study Meterial
- Module 1, Semester 1, Gulliver’s travels
- Semester:2nd Topic: “Gulliver’s Travels”
- Module No.-1 Semester-4 Topic Homer’s “The Iliad”
- Module No:1 semester: 6 Paper Ge Topic Blow-Up
- Module No: 3 Semester 1 Topic Gulliver’s Travels
- Module No-2 Semester 4 Topic The Iliad
- Module no 4 Semester 1 Topic Gulliver’s Travels
- Module No 3 Semester 1 Topic Gulliver’s Travels
- Semester:4 Module No-1 course code: ACP-403/C-E-2 Topic- “Digging”
- Semester:4 Module No-3 Course Code: UG-ENG-402/C-9 Topic: “The Iliad “
- Module 1 Semester 4 Topic Do Not go gentle into that Night
- Module 2 Semester 6 Course code: UG- ENG- 603/ DSE-3 Topic- “Blow- Up”
- Module No-1 Semester 6 Topic Critical Appreciation of David Malouf
- Semester 6 Module No-2 Topic “Wild Lemons”
- Semester 2 Topic: “Gulliver’s Travels”
Prof. Satabdi Roy Study Meterial
- Topic- Naipaul’s A Bend in the River and Neo-colonialism as a Comparative Context
- Topic-An Insight into Naipaul’s Africa in A Bend in the River
- Topic-An Unbreakable Colonial Cage In V.S Naipaul’s A Bend In The River
- Module-1 topic-Bend in the River
- Module-2 topic-Bend in the River
- Topic Chronicle of a Death Foretold(Module 1 & Module 2)
- Topic Background Prose Readings (EPIC)
- Module 9 Topic Comedy and Tragedy
- Semester 2 Paper Hons Topic Game of Dice
- Semester 2 Paper General Topic Nationalism and India
- Semester 4 Paper Honours Topic Catharsis Mimesis
- Semester 6 Paper Honours Topic Brick Lane
Prof. Sarbani Bera Study Meterial
Semester 6 Study Meterial
Semester 4 Study Meterial
[/tab] [tab]Geography
Prof. Sumit Sen Modak Study Meterial
- Concepts and Types of region, methods of Delineation by Sumit Sen Modak
- Semester- 4th, Topic – “Crop Combination theory by S. M. Rafiullah”
- Sem:6th, Topic- “factors of soil formation” by-Sumit Sen Modak
- Sem.-6th, Topic- “Demography vs. Population Geography” Population Geography -by Sumit Sen Modak
- Semester.-6, Topic-‘ Sources of Population Data-“population census” GEOGRAPHY OF POPULATION -by Sumit Sen Modak
- Sem.:-6 Topic Short question of Geography of Population
- Semester 4 TOPIC- TYPES OF REGION by sumit sen modak
- semester 4 Topic CONCEPT OF CROP DIVERSIFICATION by Sumit Sen Modak
- Semester 6 Topic – Formation And Profile Characteristics Of Laterite by Sumit Sen modak
- Semester 6 Topic Concept of Diaster.
- Semester 6 Topic Soil Erosion
- Module 2 Semester 6 Topic Soil Erosion
- Semester 6 Topic Demographic Transition Model
- Semester 6 Topic population distribution in india by Sumit Sen Modak
- Semester 4 Topic- Concept of Holistic Environment by Sumit Sen Modak
- Semester 6 Topic population distribution in india
- Semester:-6 Topic:- Classification of Hazard and Disaster
- Semester:-6 Topic:- Concept of Land Capability
- Semester 6 Topic:- world patterns of population Distribution
- Semester 4 Topic Steps of Regional Planning
- Semester 4 Topic- Short Question of Agricultural Economic Activities
- Semester 2 Module 2 Topic Towns And Trade
Prof. Moumita Garai Study Meterial
- Module 1,Semester 2nd,Topic : Population – Resource Regions by Moumita Garai
- Module 2,Semester 4th,Topic : Cumulative Causation Theory by Moumita Garai
- Module No.:03 Semester : 4th Topic : Raster & Vector Data Format -by Moumita Garai
- Module No.: 04 Semester : 2nd Topic : Demographic Transition Model -by Moumita Garai
- Module No.:05 Semester : 6th Topic : Research In Geography -by Moumita Garai
- Module No.:06 Semester : 6th Topic : Format Of Questionnaire -by Moumita Garai
- Module No. : 07 -Semester : 4th – Topic : Weber’s Theory Of Industrial Location -by Moumita Garai
- Module No. : 08 Semester : 2nd Topic : Factors of Uneven Distribution of Population -by Moumita Garai
- Semester:6th Topic : Population Composition And Characteristics by Moumita Garai
- Module No. : 10 semester 2 Topic- Structure And Compisition Of population By Moumita garai
- Semester 6 Module No. : 11 Topic Short Questions ( Bio – geography )
- Module No. : 12 Semester 4 Topic- Losch’s Theory of Industrial Location by Moumita Garai
- Module No. : 14 Semester : 4 Topic Criticism of Losch’s Theory
- Semester 6 Module No. : 15 Topic : Short Questions( Bio-Geography ) by Moumita Garai
- Module No. : 17 Semester 4 Topic Short Questions ( Environmental Geography )
- Semester 6 Module No. : 18 Topic Rural & Urban Population Composition
- Semester 6 Module 19 Topic Landslide
- Module No. : 20 Semester 2 Topic : Short Questions ( Demography )
- Semester 6 Module 21 Topic Landslide Management
- Semester 4 Module 22 Topic Short Questions ( Environmental Geography )
- Module 23 Semester 4 Topic Short Questions (Environmental Geography )
- Module 24 Semester 6 Topic Short Questions ( Population Geography )
- Module No.:25 Semester 6 Topic Short Questions( Population Geography)
- Module 26 Semester 4 Topic Haldia Industrial Region
- Semester 2 Module No. : 27 Topic : Short Questions ( Demography )
- Semester 6 Module 28 Topic Migration
- Semester 2 Module 29 Topic : Trend Of Population Growth
- Semester 6 Module No. : 30 Topic : International Migration
Prof. Pavel sarkar Study Meterial
- Semester 6 Topic Earthquake management By pavel Sarkar
- Semester 6 Topic Disaster management By pavel Sarkar
- Module1- Semester 4 Topic-Population Statistics And Demography -By Pavel Sarkar
- 2nd sm practical data for different year -by Pavel Sarkar
- 6 th semester paper Coastal Management -By Pavel sarkar
- Semester 4 Topic Geographic Information System
- Topic Push-Bul Factors & Population
- Semester 6 Topic জনসংখ্যায় অসমবন্টনের কারণগুলির তাৎপর্য্য ব্যাখ্যা
- Semester 6 Topic Migration
- Semester 6 Topic Population resource region
- Semester 2 Topic racial group in india
- Semester 4 Topic importance of regional planning
- Semestre 4 Topic Aims And object of regional planning
- Semester 6 Topic Human population conflict
Prof. Bibekananda Sinha Study Meterial
- Module 1,Semester 6th (Honours),Topic : History of modern Japan
- Module 1 semester 2 History Of India
- Module 1 semester 4 Mordern History Of Japan
- Semester 6 Module 1 Topic History Of Modern Japan(1840-1949)
- Module 2 semester 4 Topic- History Of Mediaval india
- Semester 4 Module 2 Tipic- হুমায়ুন এর ব্যার্থতার কারণ সমূহ
- Semester 2 Topic History of India(600 B.C TO 600 A.D)
- Topic History Of Mordern Japan(1940 1949)
- Module 2 Semester 6 Topic চীন জাপান এর যুদ্ধ ও চীন এর পরাজয়
- Module 4 Semester 2 Topic History Of India(600B.C TO 630 A.D)
- Semester 6 Module 4 Topic ১৯০৪ -০৫ খ্রি: রুশ ও জাপান যুদ্ধের পটভূমি ও তাৎপর্য
Prof. Tapan Kumar Pandit Study Meterial
- Module 1,Semester 4th (Honours),Topic : French Resolution: Crisis Of The Ancien Regime:- Socio,Political & Economical Conditions
- Module-I Sem:II (programme&generic) Topic-Delhi Sultanate
- Semester 4 Core 8 Topic French Revolution
- Module:-III &IV Sem:-2nd (hons) Religion and culture of medieval Europe societies in centeral islamic lands
- Semester 4 Section 2 Topic- Museums And Archieves In India
- Sem:-4th (hons) Module:-IV TopicHistory of India(1757-1885)UG/HIST/403C-10 Agrarian ,permanent ,raitwari and Mahalwari settlement
- Sem:-VI (Programme) APHST/604 SEC-4 sub:-An introduction to Archaeology Module:-1 Topic Defination &components
- Sem:-4th (History Hons) UG/HIST/403C-10 Topic :-Industrialisation &Tariff policies /Growth of modern Industries /De-industrialisation
- Module:-2 Semester 2 Topic Movement for social justice (UG/HIST/601C-3:-HISTORY OF INDIA (1947-1992))
- Semester 6 Module -3 Topic challenge to congress rule:Indira gandhi ,the emergency, JP Movement coming of the united front and the left front in west bengal by Tapan kumar pandit
- Module-I Semester 6 Topic:-partition : Integration of princely states ,Migration and Refugee problem in West Bengal and panjab
- Semester 2 Module 1 Course UG/HIST/202 C-4:Medieval world Topic Crusades by Tapan kumar pandit
- Semester 2 Program-(General) Module 4 Topic Regions:Bengal under the delhi sultanate -the rule of the illias Shahi Dynasty
- Module:-II Semester 4 UG/HIST/401C-8:HISTORY OF EUROPE (1789-1870) Topic French Revolution & Napoleon -The constitutent Assembly and its Achievements
- Semester 6 Paper Hons Module 2 Topic Growth of parliamantary Democracy
- Semester 2 Module 4 Paper APHST/201C-IB History of Medieval India Topic The rule of the Hussain shahi Dynasty
- Module:-II Semester 4 Paper AHHIST/401 C-8 Topic:- The Thermedorian reaction ;social base of the Revolution sansculottes ,peasants and women ,the Directory and the rise of Bonaparte(CHAPTER History of Europe (1789-1870))
- Module 7 Semester 2 Paper GE (APHST 201C -IB / History of Medieval India ) Topic Bhakti Movement
- Sem:-6 (Hons) UG /HIST/601 C-13 :-History of India (1947-1992) Module:-II Topic 5 Year plans
- Semester 4 Module 2 Paper AHHST/401 C-8 : History of Europe (1789-1870) Topic:-Character of the French Revolution
- Semester 4 Paper UG/HIST/401 C-8 : History of Europe (1789-1870) Module :-II Topic:- নেপোলিয়ন বোনাপাটের অভ্যন্তরীণ সংস্কার
- Semester 6 Paper AHHST/601C-13 Module 1 Topic:-Migration and Refugee problem in West Bengal and Punjab
- Module 5 Semester 6 Topic:- Rise of communalism in post -independent india :Ayodhya and demolition of Babri masjid
- Module:-2 Semestre 6 Topic :-the new constitution: – fundamental rights and duties
- hist3Module:-4 Semester 6 Paper Honours Topic:-Backward caste and Tribes
- Semester 6 sub- AHHST 601C-13 History of India(1947-1992 Topic ভারতের জাতী ব্যবস্থা এবং রাজনীতি।
- sem-6 hons sub- AHHST 601C-13 History of India(1947-1992). Module 4 Topic- ভারতীয় সংবিধানের তফশিলি ভুক্ত ও অনগ্রসর শ্রেনীর জন্য সাংবিধানিক সংরক্ষণ ব্যবস্থা
- Semester 6 History of India (1947-1992) Topic ভাষাভিত্তিক রাজ্যে পুনর্গঠন (Formotion Of States on Linguistic basis)
- Semester 4 Paper Honours Module 2 Topic “Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte
- Semester 4 Module 2 Topic Assessment Of Nepoleon
- Semester 2 Module 2 Topic Sufism
Prof. Sumit Kumar Mondal Study Meterial
- ug/ Hist/401 – c -8 History of Europe 1789-1870 . MODULE 1 – 4 TH SEM -MODULE -3 4 TH SEM
- Mordern History Of India(1858-1964)
- Module 1 Semester 2 Topic-Debate On The Nature Of The 18th Century- by Sumit Kumar Mondal
- Module 1 Semester 4 Topic- মোঘল সাম্রাজ্যের পতনের কারণগুলির বর্ণনা
- Module 3 History Of Europe(1789-1870)
- semester 2 unit 2 Topic- Social Life Of Bijaynagar Empire
- Module 2 Semester 2 Topic History Of Mediaval : Bahamoni Kingdoms
- Semester 6 Topic History Of India (1947-1999)
- Model 4 Semester 6 Topic U.S.IMPERIALISM
- Module 1 Semester 4 Topic Government Of Indian Act(1935)
- Module 3 Semester 2 Topic Battle Of Panipath
- Module 2 Semester 2 Paper Honours Topic Technological Development
- Module 3 Topic The Iqta System
- Semester 6 Module 4 Topic Imperialism – Isolalionism
- Semester 4 Module 3 Topic Non Aligned Movement
- Semester 6 Module 3 Topic Colonial period Western education
- Semester 6 Module:-2 Paper AHHIST/601 C-13 : Topic the new constitution: – fundamental rights and duties
- Semester 4 Module 1 Topic Partition
- CamScanner 05-24-2020 09.04.45Module 3 Semester 6 Topic Colonial Period Socio Religious Reforms
- Semester 6 Paper Programme Topic Non Cooperation Movement
- Semester 6 Module 6 Topic Sawdeshi Movement
- Semester 6 Module 6 Topic Swadeshi Movement
- Module no 2, Topic- Chuar Rebellion
- module 1 Semester 2 Topic- অশোকের ধর্মীয় নীতি ও বৌদ্ধধর্ম।
- module 6, paper 402C-9. Topic- Mughal painting.
- module 3 semester 4 Topic – আকবরের রাজপুতনীতি
- 2nd sem,(Honours) Unit 1 Topic-মৌর্য্য সাম্রাজ্যের পতনের কারণ
- semester 2 (Honours) unit 1 Topic ভারতের প্রাচীন অতীত
- Module 2 Semester 6 Topic ঘাটোয়ালি প্রথা
- module 3 Semester 6 topic-Importance of Susunia edict
- module 2, Semester 2 Paper -Honours Topic Mourya administration
- Module-6. Semester 4 Paper -Hons Topic আকবরের মনসবদারি ব্যবস্থা
- Module 3 Semester 2 Topic শঙ্গম যুগের অর্থনৈতিক জীবন
- Semester 4 Module 3 Topic Administration Of Shivaji
- Semester 6 Module 4 Topic প্রশাসনিক কেন্দ্র হিসাবে বাঁকুড়া শহরের উদ্ভবের কারণসমূহ
- Semester 2 Module 1 Topic History programme and generic
- 6th semester, module 2, Topic- বাঁকুড়ায় মন্ডলী প্রথা
- 6th sem, hons & programme module 2 Topic- চিরস্থায়ী বন্দোবস্ত ও বাঁকুড়ার কৃষি কাঠামো।
Economic Development In Europe & Societies in cental Islamic Lands
[/tab] PhilosophyProf. Amit Koley Study Meterial
- sem-4(programme & Generic)Q.No-1.What is meant by Euthanasia? Different types of Euthanasia.Q.No-2. Arguments against and favour of Euthanasia. Topic-western Ethics
- sem-6 (GE-2)Q.No-Liberal Feminism. Topic-Feminism
- sem-6(programme)Q.No-1.What is social group?Explain the characteristics of social group?Q.No2.-what is social group? different between primary and secondary group.Topic- social and political Philosophy
- Sem-2(programme & Generic)Q.No-1
- sem-2(Hons)Q.No 1.Existence of God(Descartes)2.Mind and Body Parallelism (Spinoza)
- (Sem-2Hons)Q.No-1.Jatibadhakas.Q .No -2.Visesa.Topic-VaisesikaMetaphysics
- (sem-2 Programme & Generic)Q.No -1.Naive Realism.Q.No.-2.scientific Realism/Representative Realism.Topic- Realism.
- (sem-2 Programme and Generic)
- Sem-4(Programme and Generic)Topic-Kant’s Moral Theory
- (sem-6 Programme)Q.No-1.’Society is the Web of Social relationship'(MacIver&Page).-Explain the nature of society in the light of this statement. Topic-Basic concept of society
- Semester 2 Laws of sufficient Reason.Q.No-2.The principle of the Identity and The Law of Continuity. Topic- Leibnitz
- Semester 4 Q.No.1.what is Euthanasia? Condition of Euthanasia.Q.No.2.-Distinguish between Active and Passive Euthanasia. Topic- Euthanasia
- Semester 6 Q.No.1.what is meant by Community?what are the bases of Community? Distinguish between association and Community
- Semester 2 Topic-(Programme and Generic)Q.No-1.Subjective Idealism.Q.No-2.Objective idealism
- Semester 6 topic )Q.No- 1.Association Q.No-2.Institution. Topic-social and political Philosophy
- semester 4 Topic Punishment. Q.No.1-Satisfactory Theory of Punishment.Q.No.2-Is Capital Punishment Justifiable
- Semester 2 (Honours Paper) Topic Q.No-1.Doctrine of Monads.Q.No-2.The Doctrine of Pre -established Harmony
- Semester 6 Topic Q.No-1.What is social Philosophy? Discuss the scope of social Philosophy. Q.No-2.Define political Philosophy.Distinguish,in this connection, between scientific and political theory. Topic-Nature and scope of social and political Philosophy
- Semester 2 Topic Locke
- sem-6 Generic-2 Topic Q.No.1.What is meant by Feminism? Q.No.2.History of Ideas on women.Q.No.3.Different forms of Feminism. -History of Feminist Movement
- sem-6 Programme Topic Q.No.1.Different forms of Democratic Government. Characteristics of Libera Government. -Political Ideas.
- Semester 6 Paper Honours Topic Q.No.1.What is Democracy?Explain Democratic Ideals. Q.No.2.What is Democracy? Condition for success of Democratic Government. Module-3
- Semester 2 Ppaper Honours Topic Q.No.1.Advaita theory of liberation. Q.No.2.Relation between Jiva and Brahman, according to Ramanuja.Q.No.3. Nature of Jagat according to Ramanuja.Module-(5,6)
- Semester 6 Topic Q.No.1Merits and Demerits of Democratic Government.Q.No.2.Distinguish between In-group and Out-group.( Model – 3,2)
- IMG20200506122905Semester 6 Paper GE 2 Topic Redical View Of Gender Inequality
- (sem-2 Hons) between Primary and Secondary Theory of Knowledge.Module-4
- IMG20200527124116(sem-2 Hons), after Hume, between impression and of Synthetic apriori Judgments
- ( sem-6 GE-2) is meant by Human Rights?What are the distinctive features of Human Rights
- ( sem-2 Hons) of the Lockean notion of ldealism or Esse Est Percipi. Module-05
- ( Sem-4 Generic) is Environmental Ethics? Is it a necessity for human existence? Discuss. is meant by ecology? what are the principle s for deep ecological ethics? module-06
- Semester 6 Module-03 Topic Secularism
- Semester 6 Paper Programme Module 3 Topic- Sarvodaya
Prof. Gargi Banerjee Study Meterial
- Madeul-1 – Semester- 2nd -Topic: Relation between Mind and Body
- Topic-Theory Of Metaphysics
- Topic- বিবর্তনবাদ এর বিভিন্ন রূপ
- Semester 2 Topic 1.Jaina:Theory Of Self and Libenation
- Paper (GE) Topic Theories Of Evaluation(Western Metaphysics)
- 4th Semester (Paper GE APPHI401C)Topic Western Ethics(Moral and Nonmoral Actions)
- Semester 4 (GE) Topic Hedonism
- Module 7 Semester 2 Topic Citta,Cittabhumi,Cittavritti
- Semester 2 Module 8 Topic Theory Of Causation(Regularity Theory)
- Semester 2 Topic Jaina- Anekantabada(Outline Of Indian Philosophy)
- Semester 2 Course Code AHPHI 201 c Topic Yoga:Isvara
- Semester 2 Module 3 Topic Cittavrttinirodha(Yoga)
- Semester 2 Module 13 Topic মীম াংসক সম্মত অর্ থ পত্তির ব্য খ্য করর ।
- Semester 4 Topic Western Ethics
Prof. Arghya Nayak Study Meterial
- physical education
- Physical education Practical Note by Arghya Nayak
- Module 2 Semester 2 Topic – Repositiry System -By Arghya Nayak
- Topic-Practical record book by Arghya Nayak
- Semester 2 Unit 2 Topic-Nervous System And Details -by Arghya Nayak
- Topic Postural deformities And Blood group
- Topic অস্থিপেশি by Arghya Nayak
- Topic একটি আদর্শ কোষের গঠন
- Topic রক্ত সংবহনতন্ত্র
- Semester 2
Module 3 Topic Respiratory And Blood Circulatory - Topic phy. Education…short Question 2
Prof. Mahuya Roy karmakar Study Meterial
- Module: 1 Indian_Constitution and Politics
- International Relations
- Topic – Democracy and Governance. Course code -601. Unit -1.
- Unit 1 -Semester -2 Topic- Indian Constitution and Politics.
- 4th Semester. Unit 1 Topic-International Relation
- Topic Indian Govt. And politics, Unit II (201) & The Indian Constitution and Politics, Unit III (203)
- Topic Indian Constitution and Politics (203)
- Unit 1. Topic ভারতীয় সংসদের গঠন / লোকসভা ও রাজ্যসভার কার্যাবলী
- Topic ভারতের গণতান্ত্রিক ব্যবস্থা
- Topic বৈদেশিক নীতি / বিদেশীনীতি নিবীরণের কারণ সমূহ
- Topic পররাষ্ট্রনীতির নির্ধারক বা উপাদানসমূহ
- Topic ভারতের নির্বাচনী আচরণ
- Semester 6 Unit 3 Paper 601 Topic Democracy and Governance
- Topic Indian Govt. and Politics, 203/GE-2, Unit 3.b
- Semester 2 Topic Indian Constitution and Politics (203/GE -2) Unit 3.
- Semester 2 Unit 1 Topic ndian Constitution and Politics
- 4th semester, 405, Unit 2 Topic Humanism and Domestic Violence
- Semester 6 601, unit 2.a Topic Democracy and Governance
- 4th sem, unit 1 c Decision Making Theory
- 4th sem, unit 1 c System Theory
- 203, unit 4 . Topic: Centre state Relations
- Continuation of topic : Centre state relations. 203, unit 4
- 20200531_101327601, 2 A Topic TRAI
- 20200531_101726601, unit 2A Topic SEBI
- Semester 4 Paper 405 Unit 2 Topic Laws Relating To Consumer Rights
- 4th sem, 405, unit 2 Topic Laws Relating To Cyber Crime In India
- 4th sem, 405, Unit 1
- 4th sem 405, unit 2
- 405, Unit 2
- Continuation of previous mail, 405, unit 2
- Topic 404, unit 2
- Topic 404, unit 2
- Topic 601, unit 3
- Topic 201 unit 1
- Topic 201 unit 5
- Topic 201 unit 3
- Topic 203 unit 3
- Topic 201 unit 3 (Continuation Topic)
- Topic 203 unit 3(Continuation Topic)
- Topic 601 Unit 1
- Topic 203 Unit 5
- Topic 401 Unit 3b
- Topic 404, Unit 2b
Prof. ABBASUDDIN MONDAL Study Meterial
- Module 1 -Features of the Indian constitution-
- Module no- 1 Semester-4 Topic- Major theories: Realism
- Module no – 2 Semister-2 Topic- Indian constitution: basic Features
- Semester 2 Topic-Power and function of the Indian prime minister
- Semester- 4 Topic-Realist Theory of the Morgenthau
- Module 5 Semester 4 Topic- Evolution and approaches to International Relations Major theories: Realism
- Module no- 6
Semester- vi Topic – structure and process of Governance: judicial activism - Module no- 7 sem-4 Relevance of Non-alignment
- semester 2 General paper Topic ভারতীয় নাগরিকদের মৌলিক কর্তব্য
- Semester 4 Topic Evolution and approaches to International Relations
- Semester 2 Topic ভারতের রাষ্ট্রপতির ক্ষমতা ও কার্যাবলি
- Module no- 11 Semester-4 Topic Major theories : liberal Theory
- Module no- 12 Semester-6 Topic Powers and functions of panchayat samiti
- Module no-13 Semester 6 Topic Powers and functions of the Indian supreme Court
- Semester 4 Module no- 14 Topic – Liberal Internationalism
- Module no – 15 Semester 2 Topic definition, nature and characteristics of Religion
- Semester 6 Module 16 Topic Gram Samsad and Gram Sabha
- Module 17 Semester 2 Topic – Problems of or Challenges faced by Secularism in India
- Semester 2 Module 18 Topic – composition and functions of Panchayat Samiti
- Semester 2 Module no- 19 Topic – Composition and functions of Supreme Court
- Module no- 21 Semester 6 Topic – Powers and functions of Zilla Parishad
- Module no- 22 Semester- IV opic – Liberal Institutionalism
- Module no- 23 Semester -IV Topic – Different phases of Cold War
- Semester 4 Module no- 20 Topic – Idealism
- Semester 2 Module no- 24 Topic – Composition and functions of High Court
- Module no- 25 Semester 6 Topic – Trade union
- Module no- 26 Semester -II Topic Nyaya Panchayat
Moule 1-Topic-CHANDA-BY Sourav Dey
2nd sem Sanskrit hons study material (chandan pai)
4 sem programme . Course Code 401C-1D. course Topic Manusamhita(7th Chapter) – by Chandan Pai
Module no – 3 द्वितीयऽङ्क श्लोक = 7 व्याख्या
- Moudle no – 2, SEMESTER – 4th (Prog), Course Code – APSNS 401C -1D TOPIC – MANUSAMHITA – by Suprava dey kundu
Semester -2 Course Code- APSNS201C-1B. Topic- Rgubangsam -by Chandan pai
Modeul-2, sem-2 (H), Topic- sahitya darpan (6 th) by Sourav dey
Modeul-3, SEM -2 (p), Topic- chanda by Sourav dey
Semester 6 module 1 Topic- The Gita(2nd chapter) by Chandan pai
Semestre 6 Module 2 Topic GITA 2nd chapter 14 slok by Chandan Pai
(#)Moudle no – 5, SEMESTER – 4th Topic MANUSAMHITA by Suprava Dey kundu
Modual- 4 , semeseter- 2 (h), Topic- alonkar by Sourav dey
Semester 4 Topic Ishoponisad by Sourav dey
Modeul-6, SEM – 2 Topic sahitya darpan (6) by Sourav Dey
Semester 2 Topic Raghubamsam(1st Canto) by Chandan Pai
Module-7, SEM -4 Topic- Ishoponisad by Sourav Dey
Semester 6 Topic गीता 2 अध्याय श्लोक 20 by Chandan Pai
Madual- 8 Semester 2 Paper -Ge Topic writing skills By Sourav Dey
Sanskrit 2 sem(hons). Course code AHSNS202C-4. Topic स्वप्नवासवदत्तम् चतुर्थो अङ्कः by Chandan Pai
Module-10 Semester 6 Topic writing skills by Sourav Dey
Semester 4 Module 7 Topic Manusamhita Sloka 33 by Chandan Pai
Semester 4 Modeul-11 Topic Ishoponisad by Sourav Dey
Semester 2 1st conto Sloka No 27 Topic Raghubamsam by Chnadan Pai
Module-12 Semester 2 Paper Honours Topic-alankara
Semester 4 Topic मनुसंहिता 43
Moudle no – 12 Semester 4 Paper Programme TOPIC – MANUSAMHITA व्याख्या ।श्लोक – 8
Semester 6 Topic Gita(2nd Chapter), sloke 27Semester 2 Topic स्वप्नवासवदत्तम् पञ्चमः अङ्कः 2 श्लोक by Chandan Pai
Module 13 Semester 6 Paper GE-2 Topic writing skills by Sourav Dey
Module 14 Semester 2 topic- alankara by Sourav Dey
Semester 2 Topic स्वप्नवासवदत्तम् पञ्चमः अङ्कः 7 श्लोकः by Chandan Pai
Semester 2 রঘুবংশম্ ১ম সর্গ Topic রাজা দিলীপের গুণাবলী। by Chandan Pai
- Moudle no – 14, SEMESTER – 4th (Prog), Course Code – APSNS 401C -1D TOPIC – MANUSAMHITA (long)
- Modeul-15, sem-2(honers), faculty name- Sourav Dey, topic- sahitya darpan(6th)
- Semester 2 course code APSNS201C-1B Topic রঘুবংশম্ ১ সর্গ নন্দিনীর বর্ণনা।
- Moudle no – 15, SEMESTER – 4th (Prog), Course Code – APSNS 401C -1D TOPIC – MANUSAMHITA (long) by Suprava Dey Kundu
- Modeul-16, SEM – 2nd(honers), faculty name- Sourav Dey, topic- sahitya darpan (6th)
- Semester 2 Topic দিলীপ ও সুদক্ষিণার বশিষ্ঠাশ্রমে যাত্রার বর্ণনা। by Chandan Pai
- Madeul-17, sem- 2nd(honers), faculty name- Sourav Dey, Topic- sahitya darpan (6th)
- Madeul-18, sem- 2nd(honers), faculty name- Sourav Dey, Topic- sahitya darpan (6th)
- Semester 6 Madule-19 Topic Sapnavasavadatta
- Madeul-19, SEM -6th(programme), faculty name-Sourav Dey, tapic- sapnavasavadatta
Semester 2 Paper Programme Topic বশিষ্ঠাশ্রমে দিলীপের সঙ্গে বশিষ্ঠের কথোপকথন। by Chandan Pai