
Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyalaya

Estd : 1985. Affiliated to Bankura University

NAAC Re-Accredited College 'B++'

History – Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyalaya



[button link=”https://www.gpm.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Course-Outcomes-History-GPM.pdf” type=”big” center=”yes” color=”green”]Course Outcome[/button]


Year of Establishment: General- 1985,Honours- 1994

Name of Programmes/Courses offered: UG (General and Honours)

Faculty profile:

SL Name Designation Contact No Image
1 Prof. Runu Ghosh Assistant Professor 9547345726 View Profile
2 Dr. Sumit Kumar Mondal Assistant Professor 9153525544 View Profile
3 Prof. Bibekananda Sinha SACT 9749496958 View profile
4 Prof. Tapan Kumar Pandit SACT 9732011115/ 9382474979 View Profile


Qualification of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil./PG.: Ph.D-1*(Retired), PG.-4

Number of faculty with ongoing project from National and International funding agencies and grants received : Nil

Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: No

Research Centre/ facility recognized by the University: NA

Publications (2010-2016)

Name of faculty Dr.Lily Mukherjee Associate Prof. Mr. Vivekananda Singha Approved Part-Time Teacher Mr.Tapan Kumar Pandit Approved Part-Time Teacher Ms. Dripti Mondal,Guest Faculty Mr.Subhas Mondal, Guest Faculty
Number of paper published in peer reviewed international journals
Number of paper published in peer reviewed national journals with ISSN number 01
Chapter in Books
Books with ISBN/ISSN number with details of publishers.
Paper presentation in national/international seminars 01
Seminar attended both state/National/International 01 02 01 01 01

Details of Paper/Book published and presented and the abstracts submitted:

Paper published and presented by Dr.Lily Mukherjee

  1. A Paper on “Babu Culture”was presented and published in Oriental Conference

Other Courses
Bibekananda Sinha had done

  1. Workshop on History Syallubus- 2015

Subhas Mondal had attended

  1. One day Workshop on “ The Making of Contemporary World Since 1945” organisedby the Department of History, Ranigang Girls College, in collaboration ith Bharata Vidya Charcha Kendra,on 12 th August, 2006.
  2. Participated in thedistrict level Youth Parliament Competition for the year 2007-2008, on 29th November 2007.

Areas of consultancy and income generated:No

Faculty as members in National Committees,International Committees and Editorial Boards: No

Students projects:

a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/ programme:

  • In 1996, B.A. III Year students from history department were taken in an educational tour to Lakhminarayan Mandir, Metalli, Bankura and a report was prepared. (50%)
  • In 1998, B.A. III Year students were taken to an educational tour to Ekteshwar Mandir, Bankura and a report was made. (50%)
  • Then again on 2001, a tour to Jaganathpur was organized for the B.A. III Year students of History (50%)

b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories/ Industry/other agencies: Not a part of curriculum of the affiliating University, BU.

Awards/Recognitions received by faculty and students: No

List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department: No

Seminars/ Conference/ Workshops organized and the source of funding National and International: No

Student profile programme/course wise:

Name of the Course/programme 2016-2017
Application received Selected Enrolled
*M *F
B.A. 1st year General
143 387






B.A. 2nd year General
NA 221






B.A. 3rd year General
NA 153






*M= Male F= Female



Pass Percentage (Part III) 2013 2014 2015 2016
Male 20% 100% 17% 50%
Female 43% 42% 25% 33.3%
Total 29.4% 50% 20% 42.8%


Diversity of Students:

Name of the Course % of students from the same state % of students from the other states % of students from abroad
B.A. (General) 100 Nil Nil
B.A. (Honours) 100 Nil Nil

How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinatios such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense Services, etc.
There is no mechanism to know the exact number of such students but a few of them have qualified the NET/ SLET exam.

Student progression (UG to PG to M.Phil. to Ph.D. to Post Doctoral, Campus selection/ Entrepreneurship/ Self-employment):There is no mechanism to track the students. There is no campus recruitment facility.

Details of Infrastructural facilities
a) Library: College Library, Departmental Library
b) Internet facilities for Staff and Students: Common access for all users
c) Class rooms with ICT facility: Common with other departments
d) Laboratories: NA

Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: All the eligible SC, ST students receives stipend and Kanyashree for the girls. There is a system of full fee and half fee, common to all departments.

Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ workshop/ seminar) with external experts:

  1. A seminar without any external expert was conducted on Asutosh Mukherjee’s Rajnaitik Chinta Bhabna and Patriotism, in the department.

Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

  • Lecture method, group discussions, interactive method are adopted
  • Question and answering
  • Students are encouraged to write assignments.
  • Take quiz
  • Class test are also taken to develop the capability of the students.

Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and extension activities:

  • Specially to pay attention for students’ participation in different co-curricular activities which are organized by college i.e. drama, debate, different festivals, sports and games, awareness programme. They participate in NSS and are actively engaged in blood donation camp and are members of college Red Ribbon Club.

SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:

  • Strengths:
    1. Good relation among the students and teacher.
    2. Cooperative attitude among the students are admirable.
    3. Understanding between the teachers is satisfactory.
    4. Enthusiasm of the students is praiseworthy.
  • Weaknesses:
    1. Shortage of teaching faculty
    2. Communication gap between the teacher and the student because of numerous numbers of students in the general classes
  • Opportunities:
    1. Separate classroom for Honours courses are available
  • Challenges:
    1. Give quality based education for all students.
    2. To meet up all the necessities of large number of students.
  • Future Plans
    1. To arrange departmental workshop
    2. To arrange study tour at some historical places
    3. To make a departmental Journal
    4. To organize inter departmental quiz and debate contest.